AIX P&R 2024 agenda is here

The AIX Power & Renewables programme is now available


AIX is organised by African Energy, a specialist publisher and consultancy that has been involved at the heart of the debate surrounding energy sector developments across the continent for more than 25 years.

Latest panellists

AIX provides an opportunity to engage with experts and have a genuine discussion on the issues facing the industry. Recent speakers to confirm their participation:

🔸 Abba Abubakar Aliyu — Managing Director, Rural Electrification Agency
🔸 Benjamin Hugues — Investment Director and REPP Lead, Camco
🔸 Wilson Masango — Chief Engineer Markets, SAPP
🔸 Jules Samain — Managing Director, Energy Access for the Hardest-to-Reach, Acumen–Debt Fund
🔸 Frederik Thoring Flagstad — Vice President, Head of Africa, Growth Markets Fund, Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners
🔸 Yusuf Umar​​​​ — CEO, Renewables Investment Platform for Limitless Energy – RIPLE
🔸 Ziria Tibalwa Waako — CEO, Electricity Regulatory Authority


Book here or contact Lauren Slater to register your place at this year’s AIX P&R meeting.
Remember if you are an African Energy subscriber, you can save an additional 10% on your ticket.


We still have sponsor opportunities which include speaking slots in the programme. In addition, delegates can sponsor breakout sessions at this year’s meeting. Contact Ricky Purnell to discuss sponsoring AIX.

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