Can new transmission schemes and plans from regional power pools unlock Africa’s power markets?

Kweku A. Awotwi, Board Chairman, United Bank for Africa and Simbini Tichakunda, Principal Programme Officer-Energy, AUDA-NEPAD will be attending our next AIX Power & Renewables meeting (29-30 Oct 2024), and examining the growing appetite for interconnections, transmission infrastructure and power pools across the continent.

Book here to register your place at this year’s AIX P&R meeting.

View African Energy’s wider reporting on transmission investment below.

Fresh financing models sought to energise African power transmission investments
12 May 2024

The development of a greater variety of financing models is urgently required to support the roll-out of transmission infrastructure around Africa, both to drive domestic investments and cross-border interconnections….

Major boost for regional power trade as West African networks interconnect in Guinea
22 Apr 2024

Prospects for the regional electricity supply industry and West African power trading took a huge leap forward when two major networks interconnected at Linsan in Guinea. Much work remains to be done…

What can the Continental System Masterplan achieve for Africa’s electricity supply industries?
06 Dec 2023

Watch a clip of recent webinar examining the realities facing the African Union’s Continental Master Plan (CMP)