Off-grid Investment Exchange

Third annual Off-grid Investment Exchange
15 November, RSA House, London
Join us for lunch at 12h30 on the second day of our AIX: Power & Renewables 2018 meeting and an afternoon of sessions dedicated to a bringing established suppliers of off-grid services together with international developers and investors (DFIs, banks, commercial and impact investors) and other potential new entrants who are looking to buy into this fast-growing industry.
13h3o to 15h00
Beyond the grid – investing in distributed solutions
The AIX Rapporteur will report back on Day 1 of the meeting and ask: what have we learnt about off-grid technologies and what questions should we be asking?
Energy as a consumer service
It worked for telecoms and, increasingly, it seems the magic of blending mobile financial solutions and new delivery technologies can work for electricity access.
This session will discuss financial instruments and strategies, and new approaches to consumers in a period when millions more Africans are becoming financially empowered and buying a range of basic services
15h15 to 16h30
Mobilising private finance – from conventional and innovative sources
- What new sources of funding, including institutional investment, are available?
- Strategies for catalyzing more local capital, both on the equity and debt sides.
- Impact investors and charitable enterprises – critical so far, but a transitional phase?
- Equity – attracting private finance, conventional developers, developing local partnerships. Are new commercial models emerging as quickly as we are told?
- Debt – the role of concessionary finance, operating with local banks and other institutions.
The Off-grid Investment Exchange is included in all full tickets to the fifth annual AIX Power & Renewables meeting (14-15 November, RSA House).
The Off-grid Investment Exchange may also be booked separately. Proceedings start at 12h30 with lunch at RSA House.
To book tickets to the Off-grid Investment Exchange, please contact Lauren Andrews. Tel: +44 (0)1424 721667.