08h30 to 09h00 Registration & coffee – The Benjamin Franklin Room
09h00 to 10h45 – The Great Room
Africa power and renewables strategy
The meeting kicks off with a strategic overview and critical analysis of continental electricity supply industry trends, project pipelines and demand growth projections.
- The latest analysis of trends will be presented from the African Energy Live Data platform.
In a moderated debate – held, like the rest of the conference under the Chatham House Rule to ensure the most frank conversation possible – leading figures from the industry, finance and from among policy-makers will discuss questions including:
- What mechanisms should be developed/built upon to integrate private sector thinking more effectively into public policy?
- How can governments integrate off-grid solutions into national planning? Indeed, should they?
- A lot of focus is being given to ‘transformative’ and ‘disruptive’ trends that could transform poorly performing energy economies into dynamic, consumer-driven success stories. Is this really the narrative through which to understand current trends on the continent?
10h45 Coffee