Wednesday 11 April
08h30 to 09h00 Registration & coffee
09h00 to 10h45
Africa Gas Outlook
Chair: Jon Marks, Chairman, Cross-border Information (CbI)
The opening session highlighting key trends, with expert analysis and data from African Energy Live data to kick off the discussion. Countries and issues will include Cameroon, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Ghana, Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, export/import potential with moderated debate on:
- LNG (and FLNG) export prospects around the continent.
- Local content strategies and development of domestic and regional gas markets.
- Domestic gas-to-power (GTP) schemes, from domestic resources and imports (including an overview of project prospects through to 2025).
- Regional pipelines, GTP transmission and other projects.
- Pricing issues – the domestic versus export sales debate: are they coming closer?
- Oil majors: re-examining their position in Africa’s natural gas market.
- Bringing upstream players, power developers, private equity and other backers closer together.
10h45 Coffee