Africa power & renewables – five years ahead


09h3o to 10h30, The Great Room

Africa power & renewables – five years ahead

A moderated debate between the audience and a high-level panel including government officials and senior industry players – held, like the rest of the conference under the Chatham House Rule – to discuss some of the big issues confronting the industry and its financiers.

Live polling will capture the mood of the room.

• Transmission and distribution: the next big thing?
• Integrating public and private sector thinking.
• Are traditional state utilities a thing of the past? And are distributed technologies the future?
• Delivering 100% access to energy: who is going to take the lead?
• What ‘transformative’ and ‘disruptive’ change do participants envisage in the next five years?
• How to integrate power with national industrialisation programmes

Chair: Jon Marks, Chairman, Cross-border Information

followed by 10h30 Coffee, Benjamin Franklin Room