

13h30 to 16h30


A moderated roundtable discussion with a scenario-building exercise highlighting the political risk and governance issues that impact on investment decisions. AfricaHardball will raise issues not usually tackled at industry events.

(A limited number of complimentary tickets are available to AIX: Power & Renewables delegates. Contact Lauren Andrews)

AfricaHardball is split into two sessions:

13h30 to 15h00, Project risks, politics and governance – An expert panel of analysts will provide opening comments on a series of predetermined questions, with the chair encouraging comment and questions after each contribution.

15h15 to 16h30, Scenario building – to focus thinking and potentially to uncover unexpected conclusions on the issues raised in the first session. Hardball aims to illuminate delegates’ understanding of complex situations and even – if  the debate is particularly rewarding – draw-up practical policy recommendations.

Coffee will be served in the room between sessions