East and Southern Africa – What is realistic?


Thursday 12 April

08h30 to 09h00 Morning coffee at RSA House

09h00 to 10h30

East and Southern Africa – What is realistic?

Chair: Steve Husbands, Head of Commercial – Oil & Gas Advisory, SLR

Leveraging the region’s huge natural resources to develop industry, stimulate domestic growth as well as supply regional and international markets.


  • Policy focus: what impact has the government had on the country’s gas market
  • Export market: prospects for LNG (conventional and FLNG)
  • Domestic market: supplying industry and GTP


  • Policy focus: update on the current policy environment
  • Export market: prospects for LNG (conventional and FLNG)
  • Domestic market: supplying industry and GTP


  • Challenges of harnessing offshore gas reserves for domestic power development

10h30 Coffee