Energy transition strategies


Panellists in the opening session are invited to discuss economic and energy ambitions – including international COP26 pledges, government led industrialisation programmes and ‘just transition’ strategies.

  • What does a just transition look like in Africa?
  • Gauging investors’ appetite for cleantech investment across the continent – is it a zero-sum (zero carbon) game?
  • Do bans on financing gas risk putting the development of resource-rich, infrastructure-poor African countries at a disadvantage?
  • Can a switch to 100% green energy generate the hoped-for economic growth and job creation?
  • How to reduce emissions without jeopardising access as well as meeting significant baseload power demand.
  • How to integrate new technologies into the existing energy mix. Is it a hydrogen-driven future for Africa? What are the potentials/limits for storage
  • How are E&P companies diversifying their operations?