Gas-to-power investment strategies


15h15 to 16h30

Gas-to-power investment strategies

Chair: Dave Peacock, Director, Azura Power Holdings

Project developers and their financiers seem keen to buy into the continent’s fast-rising demand for GTP but actual projects remain thin on the ground.

  • Is it really a boom market? What does the project pipeline data tell us?
  • Security of supply: sourcing fuel for power generation.
  • A GTP independent power producer (IPP) case study – is it replicable?
  • Sources of investment and instruments that can catalyse private investment (from multilaterals, government-owned DFIs, insurers and ECAs).
  • Engaging with government: what do national and local administrations, and regulators want from a project? How does this align with what developers and financiers need to make projects work?