Midstream gas investment strategies

15h45 to 17h15 Midstream gas investment strategies Examining the development of midstream infrastructure for domestic gas markets. Public and private sector perspectives: what needs to be done to secure investment in pipelines, storage and processing infrastructure? Innovative partnerships and structures: … Read More

Upstream commercialisation of small to medium size projects

13h45 to 15h15 Upstream commercialisation of small to medium size projects The challenges facing producers and investors commercialising smaller deposits and associated gas. Who is financing new gas exploration? Alternative funding strategies for E&P. AIM vs main market listings. Solutions for … Read More

Gas to power (GTP) investment strategies

13h45 to 15h15 Gas to power (GTP) investment strategies Focus on different elements of the GTP value chain. Who is investing in gas IPPs and embedded GTP? What can be done to bring upstream players and power developers together? Sources of … Read More

Big ticket projects

11h30 to 12h45 Big ticket projects Updates on the mixed fortunes of major LNG schemes and implications of Nigeria LNG Train 7. Financial options for large-scale upstream investments. Snapshots of African FSRU and other GTP projects. 12h45 to 13h45 Lunch … Read More

Africa Gas Overview

Thursday 2 May 08h30 to 09h00 Registration & coffee 09h00 to 11h00 Africa Gas Overview Chair: Jon Marks, Chairman, CbI Starting with new trends analysis from African Energy Live Data, industry experts will dissect LNG export prospects, FLNG, domestic supply … Read More

OIX18 – Setting the scene

13h30 to 14h15 The AIX Rapporteur will report back on Day 1 (not least the Africa Disruptors session) and ask: what have we learnt about off-grid technologies and what questions should we be asking?

Industry’s paradigm shift – embedded power and other independent solutions

14:45 to 15:45 Industry’s paradigm shift – embedded power and other independent solutions Analysis of the ways commercial and industrial consumers are developing their own generation capacity, and the extent this is likely to grow across the continent, including input … Read More

Africa gas-to-power

11h15 to 12h45 Africa gas-to-power The session will focus on the different segments of the gas-to-power (GTP) value chain including African Energy Live Data analysis of GTP schemes. Who is investing in gas IPPs? What can be done to bring … Read More

LNG to power and small-scale LNG

14h45 to 15h45 LNG to power and small-scale LNG Chair: John Smelcer, Partner, Webber Wentzel Obstacles and benefits of an integrated LNG to power project LNG to power models in South Africa, elsewhere in Africa and in other continents Does LNG … Read More