Unlocking domestic finance

15:45 to 17:00 Unlocking domestic finance Encouraging a greater role for local entities in power projects, improving access to long-term funding in local currency, strengthening the capacity of local markets and creating opportunities for local investors. Stimulating local capital markets … Read More

Exits and entries

14:00 to 15:15 Exits and entries Reaching financial close and attracting private sector financing. Exit strategies for PE and other investors M&A as a means to enter the market Mobilising equities markets to purchase assets Alternative strategies for different project … Read More

Mobilising private sector expertise and finance for early-stage development

11:45 to 13:00 Mobilising private sector expertise and finance for early-stage development Responding to the earlier session, private sector investors and developers examine key issues they face overcoming early stage project risks. Structuring early stage risks What is behind successful … Read More

Providing funding for early-stage development and viable projects

10:10 to 11:25 Providing funding for early-stage development and viable projects DFIs and public sector funders discuss development finance initiatives and public sector support for ensuring bankable RE and baseload projects. Industry snapshot: How does a power project or investment … Read More

Africa Power & Renewables Strategy

09:00 to 10:10 Africa Power and Renewables Strategy Supported by analysis from CbI’s African Energy Live Data, the opening session at AIX: Power & Renewables will identify key trends in energy finance policy and regulation, renewable energy programmes and other … Read More

Finance: energy as a consumer service

16:00 to 17:00 Finance: energy as a consumer service It worked for telecoms and, increasingly, it seems it can work for electricity access. This session will discuss financial instruments and strategies, and new approaches to consumers in a period when … Read More

Scaling-up mini-grids

13:30 to 14:30 Scaling-up mini-grids Issues include: Working mini-grid into regulatory frameworks and government strategies; Mini-grid auctions and other options; Creating investment instruments that take mini-grid beyond its current subsidised models.

Stimulating local capital

11:00 to 12:30 Stimulating local capital Encouraging a greater role for local entities in power projects, improving access to long-term funding in local currency, strengthening the capacity of local markets and creating opportunities for local investors. Stimulating local capital markets … Read More

Early stage development

09:00 to 10:30 Early stage development Structuring early stage risk and project preparation facilities: is it still a major problem? What are the barriers to reaching financial close and how can these be overcome? Tackling corruption and other governance issues? … Read More