Multiconsult presentation

11h00 – 11h30 Ryan Anderson, Head of Section Renewable Energy Advisory Services at Multiconsult will be sharing his insights on a recent report: “What role can Africa’s reservoir hydropower play in enabling variable renewables: The case of 900 MW of … Read More

Integrating off-grid

14h00 to 15h30 Integrating off-grid Focus on off-grid solutions complementing T&D plans and electrification programmes Residential, mini-grid and commercial-scale options, and how they fit together Will a day come where grid expansion just isn’t worth it as distributed solutions come … Read More

Off-grid expansion and financing

12h00 to 13h30 GMT Off-grid expansion and financing What data is available on the region’s established solar home systems (SHS) and mini-grid sector and what do recent findings tell policy-makers and investors? Raising equity and accessing debt for off-grid solutions

Tackling sovereign debt issues

12h00 to 13h30 GMT Tackling sovereign debt issues: understanding a volatile situation for power and other infrastructure projects Overview of sovereign debt in a post covid world. What does it mean for projects in the power sector, government guarantees and … Read More

Distribution models

14h00 to 15h30 Distribution models Who is actually making distribution pay in Sub-Saharan Africa? And how?

New approaches to financing IPPs

14h00 to 15h30 New approaches to financing IPPs A look at some of the recently financed projects using construction finance and bridging loans. Maximising access to both Western and Islamic financing.

Competitive tenders

12h00 to 13h30 GMT Competitive tenders Perspective on tendering and other forms of contract award. Are new models needed, or just refinements of the existing system? 13h30 Online networking

Strategies for regional integration

14h00 to 15h30 GMT Strategies for regional integration How realistic are plans for East African energy industries to become more integrated via electricity interconnections, pipelines and shared policy? View across the East African Community region Analysis of key projects to … Read More

East African perspective

12h00 to 13h30 GMT East African perspective Ajay Ubhi, Research analyst at African Energy will start with East Africa insights from African Energy Live Data. Interactive discussion focusing on the region’s strategic direction Impact of Covid-19 Does East Africa have enough … Read More