Storage snapshot

14h30 to 15h30 Storage snapshot Chair: Nikhath Zigmund, Business Development Director, BioTherm Senior Energy Specialist at DNV GL, Gabriel Kroes kicks off the discussion and focuses on where storage is heading in the next 20 years. How will storage change … Read More

Accelerating C&I

13h30 to 14h45 Accelerating C&I Chair: Ameet Shah, Chairman, Astonfield Solar Focusing on the options available to customers in the commercial and industrial space Developments based on PPAs, lease and commercial loan structures. Managing portfolios – O&M, monitoring, data, reporting … Read More

Transmission snapshot

12h00 to 12h30 Transmission snapshot A look at financing transmission projects, the role of the private sector and managing the grid in the face of increasing renewables. 12h30 Lunch

The state of the continental industry

Wednesday 2 October 08h30 to 09h00 Registration & coffee at Fairmont the Norfolk Hotel, Nairobi 09h00 to 10h30 The state of the continental industry Chair: Jon Marks, Chariman, CbI Findings from the African Energy Live Data platform will provide unique … Read More

African LNG

Sponsored by 14h15 to 15h30 African LNG Snapshot of LNG import projects, including an update on Morocco and other West African markets Obstacles and benefits of an integrated LNG to power project Financing and scaling up small-scale LNG hub-to- spoke … Read More

LNG market

Sponsored by 13h30 to 14h15 LNG market Chair: Philip Nutman, Managing Director, QED Consulting Overview of LNG pricing and impact on LNG buyers and Africa’s place and potential in the global LNG market. Global trends in gas pricing. Export trends … Read More

East and Southern Africa Focus

11h00 to 12h30 East and Southern Africa Focus With Rovuma Basin schemes reaching final investment decisions and financial close, and South Africa looking to implement some of its ambitious GTP schemes, the focus on this region should be intense this … Read More

West and Central Africa challenge

­­­ Friday 3 May 09h00 to 10h30 West and Central Africa challenge This session will examine the scale of gas resources, demand potential, market development and integration with neighbouring countries. Domestic markets: monetising upstream projects or moving to FSRU (LNG … Read More

North Africa boom

15h45 to 17h15 North Africa boom The region remains a significant strategic player, whose gas outlook is as dependent on domestic political issues as technical advances. Snapshot of Egypt’s upstream sector; update on the liberalisation of its gas market; and … Read More