11h15 to 12h30
Chair: Antony Goldman, Oil & Gas Analyst
West African challenge
Many export and domestic Nigerian gas projects have stalled, underlined by the chronic shortfalls of supply through the West African Gas Pipeline. But the region retains huge resources, a vibrant business culture and major needs for power and revenues, which provide opportunities along the value chain. Panellists will focus on:
- Domestic markets: monetising upstream developments or moving to FSRU (LNG import) solutions for GTP – in Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Nigeria and other markets.
- Regulatory frameworks required to develop gas resources across the region.
- How can floating regasification projects be successfully structured in West Africa?
- Is nimble LNG shipping replacing white elephant pipeline schemes?
- Developments in offshore – including the emerging Senegal-Mauritania (MSGB Basin) play and potential markets.
12h30 Lunch at RSA House