Prior to his current appointment, Faruk acted as special adviser to the Minister of State for Power (Sept 2010-2014). Faruk has served in the Ministry for over 14 years, during which period he served in several critical committees that drove the country’s power sector reforms. He has recently played a key role in the development of Nigeria’s national policies, plans and strategies on renewable energy, energy efficiency and rural electrification.
Faruk is currently the SE4ALL national focal point for Nigeria and the Coordinator of the EU and German government-funded, Nigeria Energy Support Programme (NESP).
He holds a BSc in physics from Usmanu Danfodio University, Sokoto (1991), PGDs in computer science and engineering (Esutech, Enugu, 1997) and electrical engineering, (BUK, Kano, 2002) and an MSc in electrical engineering from Ahmadu Bello University (2010).
Faruk is a panellist at the fifth Africa Investment Exchange: Power & Renewables meeting at RSA House, 14-15 November 2018.