Olga has responsibility for the development of renewable energy on- and off-grid systems and implementation of energy efficiency programmes aligned with the government’s objective to achieve universal access to energy by 2030.

Olga joined EDM in 2010 as a trainee and since then has held positions as a protections, operations and system planning engineer. From 2015–2017 she worked as head of the transmission system planning department. Her high-level experience on system planning enabled her to participate on the EDM team responsible for producing strategic documents, including the Master Plan for Energy Sector 2018-2042 and EDM Strategy 2018-2028.

Olga is currently leading the team working on the first renewable energy auction project in Mozambique, PROLER, and also on GET FiT programmes for the country. She also represents EDM as a non-executive board member of the 600MW Lupata hydro power plant project and is an active member of the national order of engineers.

Olga Utchavo Madeira, holds bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Havana, Cuba (2010).

Olga is a speaker at the Africa Investment Exchange: Power and Renewables meeting at RSA House, 14-15 November 2018.