The Africa Infrastructure Association (AfIDA) is an association of project developers that seeks to promote and enable project development activities in Africa, by creating an eco-system and platform that will foster continuous dialogue amongst its members, standardize project development template documents and serve as a policy advocacy platform for the industry, with a view to ensuring that more projects on the continent achieve bankability.

The Association was incorporated in November 2016 in Mauritius by its founding members; Africa Finance Corporation, Financierings-Maatschappij voor Ontwikkelingslanden N.V, Trinity LLP, Eleqtra, African Infrastructure Investment Managers, Themis Abraaj and Climate Investment One.

Support for previous meetings includes:

AIX: Power & Renewables 2019

AIX: Power & Renewables 2018

AIX: Power & Renewebles 2017

AIX: Power & Renewebles 2016