Benon Mutambi, Chief Executive Officer, Electricity Regulatory Authority, Uganda

Dr. Benon Mutambi holds a Ph.D in Economics and is the Chief Executive Officer of Electricity Regulatory Authority, Uganda. He has rich experience in the areas of monetary policy, growth economics, regional integration and energy regulation having worked for nine … Read More

James Adams, Partner, Alexa Capital

Panelist at AIX: Power and Renewables James Adams has two decades of conventional and alternative energy investment banking and infrastructure investment experience across EMEA and Asia with Lehman Brothers and Man Group. He has financed all elements of the energy infrastructure capital … Read More

FMO to discuss Climate Investor One at AIX: Power and Renewables

Georges Beukering, Senior Investment Officer at FMO will be discussing Climate Investor One at AIX: Power and Renewables on 19 November. Climate Investor One is designed to accelerate the delivery of renewable energy infrastructure in emerging markets. At an early … Read More

Gregor Paterson-Jones, expert advisor on energy access funding, UN Capital Development Fund

Gregor is an international expert in clean energy finance and acts as adviser for UNCDF, which focuses on Africa and the poorest countries of Asia. He is an Investment Committee member for the European Union’s European Fund for Strategic Investments … Read More

Ragnar Gerig, Director Energy Africa and Asia, DEG

Panelist at AIX: Power and Renewables Ragnar Gerig is heading DEG’s energy operations for Africa and Asia with a loan book of more than US$ 500 million. In his last position as Director Manufacturing Industry and Services he was responsible for structuring … Read More

Andy Louw, Principal: Infrastructure Investments, STANLIB

Panellist at AIX: Transport and Infrastructure at RSA House, 9 to 10 June 2016 Andy joined STANLIB in 2013, as Principal in the Infrastructure Investments Franchise. He was previously Executive Vice-President in the Infrastructure Equity team at Standard Bank, where he was responsible for all infrastructure … Read More

Pankaj Gupta, Manager Guarantee Program, World Bank

Panelist at AIX: Power and Renewables Pankaj Gupta is the Practice Manager of the Financial Solutions unit at the World Bank.  In this capacity he leads the project finance and guarantees business for the World Bank. World Bank (IBRD and IDA) Loans … Read More

Peter Weston, Director of Investment Advisory, Energy 4 Impact

Director of Investment Advisory, Energy 4 ImpactPeter is an expert in sustainable energy, with over 20 years of experience as an investor, lender and strategic adviser. He currently works for Energy 4 Impact, a non-profit company that advises solar home … Read More

Farhan Nakhooda, Projects Director, Madhvani Group

Farhan has 40 years experience leading corporate strategy, project development, and finance for private companies in Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Zambia and India. He has worked in the agribusiness (sugarcane, tea, floriculture), manufacturing (spirits, beer, engineering, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals) and services (tourism, … Read More