Distribution models

13h45 to 15h15 – The Tavern Room Distribution models A handful of distribution companies like Umeme in Uganda have shown how discos can draw in international and local finance to provide sustainable services. Nigeria’s disco privatisation excited investors but has … Read More

FIT, negotiated deals and renewable energy auctions

13h45 to 15h15 – The Great Room FIT, negotiated deals and renewable energy auctions How attractive are auction mechanisms compared with FIT and negotiated deals?. How should the best approach be determined for each country? Industry and financial leaders and … Read More

Early stage development

11h15 to 12h45 – The Great Room Part one – Early stage development Early AIX: Power and Renewables meetings honed in on the lack of early stage support as a major weakness for power developers; subsequent meetings registered ever more … Read More

Grid-based and distributed strategies to increase access

11h15 to 12h45 – The Tavern Room Grid-based and distributed strategies to increase access A panel discussing strategies to strengthen the grid and private sector solutions to help overcome transmission shortfalls – including analysis of: major plans for national grids; … Read More

Africa power and renewables strategy

08h30 to 09h00 Registration & coffee – The Benjamin Franklin Room 09h00 to 10h45 – The Great Room Africa power and renewables strategy The meeting kicks off with a strategic overview and critical analysis of continental electricity supply industry trends, … Read More

Test Schedule

Test schedule content..

OIX18 – Raising off-grid equity

14h15 to 15h15 Mobilising private finance – from conventional and innovative sources Overview of investment trends in pay-as-you-go, commercial and industrial, rural and urban, mini-grid and other nascent energy access markets. Part 1 – Raising off-grid equity Scaling-up off-grid: a … Read More

OIX18 – Accessing off-grid debt

15h30 to 16h30 Part 2 – Accessing off-grid debt The role of concessionary finance Creating an environment for commercial banks to participate? Operating with local banks and other institutions. Consumer finance solutions: syndication, securitisation, asset-backed financing solutions and other innovative … Read More

Accessing finance

15:15 to 16:30 Accessing finance Is there investor over-exuberance in the solar home system market? Role of DFIs: creating an environment for commercial banks to participate? Syndication, securitisation, asset-backed financing solutions and other innovative financial instruments. Stimulating local capital for … Read More