20 September, 12h00 to 13h30 BST (GMT+1), online
Join African Energy for a roundtable discussion of the recent elections in Kenya and their implications for the energy sector.
President Uhuru Kenyatta’s government set out an ambitious reform agenda epitomised by the 2019 Energy Act and has made major advances in electrification. But he leaves a legacy of strained relations with the private sector and a critical utility in Kenya Power which still needs close attention. Implementation of the act remains slow.
The roundtable will look at:
- What the election means for the liberalisation agenda.
- Future efforts to bring down the cost of power, including PPA renegotiations and review as well as interventions in the energy mix such as LNG and accelerated geothermal.
- Snapshot of C&I opportunities in Kenya
- Efforts to increase electrification and make the process more sustainable.
- Investment in transmission, distribution, and interconnections.
The roundtable will be chaired by African Energy’s Dan Marks and feature key contributions from:
- Khilna Dodia, CEO, Kenergy Renewables
- Carmen de Castro, Managing Director, FEI Fund Lead, Lion’s Head
- John Kimotho, Investment Manager, AIIM
The meeting is free for all AIX members and African Energy subscribers
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