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North African energy markets: domestic threats and export opportunities

19 July, 12.00-13.00 BST (GMT+1), online

From Morocco in the west to Egypt in the east, governments and investors are wondering whether they stand on the threshold of a new era of energy exploitation.

Reliable winds, high solar irradiation, abundant land, and close proximity to the European market mean these countries are uniquely positioned to take advantage of emerging green energy technologies. This could open a timely fresh chapter for a region whose flagging hydrocarbons resources can no longer deliver economic momentum and security.

  • Can the opportunity to sell green hydrogen, ammonia or electric power to Europe be realised while domestic energy market failures remain unaddressed?
  • What are the vital reforms that North African governments and their partners must address to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past?

Join African Energy founder Jon Marks, and African Energy senior North Africa analyst John Hamilton to discuss these questions at this exclusive online AIX members’ roundtable.

The meeting is free for all AIX members and African Energy subscribers

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