How to participate at AIX Power & Renewables
Join the online AIX Community

Standard tickets
- 1 month's access:: £75 + VAT
- 4 months' access:: £240 + VAT
- 6 months' access: £360 + VAT
Multiple ticket discounts:
- 2-3 attendees – 10% discount
- 4-5 attendees – 15% discount
- 6+ attendees – 20% discount
Register below or contact Lauren Andrews for discounts on multiple tickets and to apply for an African-based SME pass. T: +44 (0) 1424 721667.

Become an AIX Member to receive unlimited company access to any AIX online meeting.
Additional benefits include:
- Unlimited networking and access to attendees via the conference platform at any time
- Access to recordings for past online meetings
- Discount for the AIX 2021 events (offline)
Six month membership: £995 + VAT
Contact Lauren Andrews for further details. T: +44 (0) 1424 721667

AIX supporters include our sponsors, exhibitors and partners, African government officials, regulators and utilities.
AIX Supporters gain all the benefits of AIX Members with exhibition and sponsorship packages offering a range of enhanced features to showcase your company or organisation.
Contact Ricky Purnell to discuss sponsorship and exhibition options.
Book now
Attend an individual AIX Power & Renewables virtual meeting or save money by attending four or six monthly meetings from September 2020 to December 2021.
Your ticket includes:
- access to the live panels, conference website, satellite sessions
- list of attendees and all networking opportunities on the conference platform during the meeting and for up to 24 hours after the event.
- Exclusive data from African Energy Live Data.
African-based SME?
- Join the AIX community and you and a colleague can attend our meetings for free.
- Live sessions but limited networking function.
- Your company profile and contact details will be available to all AIX members and AIX supporters.
Contact Lauren Andrews for discounts on multiple tickets and to apply for an African-based SME pass. T: +44 (0) 1424 721667.